

Even though I'm not much for keeping a journal or blog, I did see this as a great way to showcase my art of the past, present & future, all in one place & it wouldn't have to be series specific! So consider it an ART BLOG, and if you enjoy my art then this is a new place to come and see what I am up to! Please let me know what ya think! I hope to show you art from all facets here, starting with my Masters Of The Universe art that you probably know me for, as well as some other faveorites I might be working on...(like art for Dungeons & Dragons or Devilman.)
This will also be the place where I post some updates on my Masters Of The Universe: Renegade ~ Illustrated Stories, as well as other unseen MOTU/artworks!

I don't know how often this site will be updated, but I'll do my best!
I hope you like my gallery!

So...sit back and enjoy how JafariStew is best served...COLD!

NOTE: The above image created by me is of the classic AD&D
LJN figure... MERCION! (good cleric female - 8.27.06)...
...one of my faveorites!

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